RESQ+ is responsible for providing employment and community development programs to job seekers and employers in rural and remote communities in Central West and South West Queensland. The Australian Government influences the strategic direction of RESQ+ through its own objectives via the service contract between RESQ+ and the National Australians Agency (NIAA).
Our Vision
To lead the way in delivering culturally appropriate, innovative and effective employment services while remaining an engaged and active partner in building and maintaining healthy, thriving and culturally diverse regional communities.
Our Purpose
We support job seekers and employers by investing the time needed to truly understand their needs.
Our employment consultants work with each job seeker, mapping an achievable pathway to sustainable and rewarding employment. With individual training, mentoring and support, our participants can grow at their own pace.
We also work closely with businesses across all sectors to find the right people for the right job. You may be eligible to receive financial incentives for recruiting staff through our programs.
We’ve developed quality activities that not only provide job seekers with training and employable skills but also support the work of local and regional community groups.
Ongoing programs like the Weeds of National Significance and the Wild Dog Exclusion Fencing have provided long-term benefits to program participants, job seekers, employers and communities.